A group o fCornwall men are washing a car to help raise funds. This has been done by Sibu people too.....Boy Scouts of Sibu used to wash cars for A Ringgit A Job Fund Raising for many years. I once washed a car for One Dollar too in 1964 - all by myself.

Sibu is well known as a town with people who are very generous and charitable. Oprah Winfrey in this picture reminds me of how many people like Datuk Tiong Tai King and others have allowed fund raisers to cut their hair. Oprah has taken a lesson from the Sibu Foochows!!
There are many other ways of raising funds too - food fair, book sale, one hundred ringgit a plate dinner, karaoke singing, raffle tickets, Miss Tourism, Miss Rainforest, walkathon, joggathon,etc.
But at the bottom line, what ever style one has to raise funds, the amount raised always depends on the hearts of the people, the efforts put in, the correct timing, the cooperation of the organisers and the cause the funds are raised for.
Aren't you proud that our people of Sibu have done so much for the needy?
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